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Birce Akalay talks about her romantic relationship with the younger actor, Hakan Kurtaş “If I get jealous, I’ll turn the place upside down”‘

During an interview for İbrahim Selim’le Bu Gece, Turkish actress Birce Akalay mentioned her romantic relationship with the younger actor, Hakan Kurtaş: “If I get jealous, I’ll turn the place upside down”
Birce Akalay talked about her relationship with Hakan Kurtaş. The famous actress Birce Akalay frequently mentions receiving compliments like “You’re very beautiful,” from Hakan Kurtaş Kurtaş, also confessed: “If I get jealous, I’ll turn the place upside down!”
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Recently, the actress graced the screens of İbrahim Selim’le Bu Gece on YouTube, where Birce Akalay opened up about her relationship with fellow actor Hakan Kurtaş
“What compliment do you receive most often?”
Birce Akalay answered the question by mentioning her younger boyfriend, the actor Hakan Kurtaş:
“Lately, I’ve been receiving the compliment ‘You’re very beautiful’ from someone I love very much. This is something special. The most common compliment I receive from strangers is about the work I’ve been doing for so many years, and it fills my eyes with tears; they say, ‘You’re so good, may you always remain this way.’ I like it. We receive awards in various places, but I believe the greatest reward is the recognition we receive on the streets. When we make eye contact with people who watch and love us, everything becomes very valuable. Getting that reaction on the street makes me very happy.”
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Yet, amidst the adoration lies a confession about jealousy from Birce Akalay:
: “I can’t hide my feelings. If we’re talking about being jealous of my man, I’ll turn the place upside down if I get jealous. Thank God, I’m not a jealous person, but if I ever find myself in a position to be jealous, I’d rather burn the harbor than the ship.”
But beyond the glitz of fame, there’s a surprising revelation. When asked what she’d do if she weren’t famous, her response is refreshingly simple:
“I’d love to be a market vendor.” The allure of the bustling market, the camaraderie with the vendors, and the joy of interacting with customers draw her in. Even in her imagination, she embraces the authenticity of a life unmarred by the spotlight.
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Birce Akalay’s revelations about life and her romantic relationship with Hakan Kurtaş peel back the layers of stardom, revealing a woman of depth, passion, and surprising simplicity in love and life.
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