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Who is the leading lady of Can Yaman in El Turco?

Curious to find out with whom Can Yaman will partner up in his upcoming TV series “El Turco,” streamed by Disney Plus?
The shooting for the Turkish TV series “El Turco,” produced by AY YAPIM for Disney Plus starring Can Yaman, will start in September. The upcoming TV series will tell the story of Hasan Balaban.
Nicknamed El Turco, he is a bird of prey, more imposing and stronger than usual people. Can Yaman will portray the Janissary Hasan Balaban, found wounded after the second siege of Vienna. Then, Hasan settled in the Italian village of Moena, which he freed from the feudal lords and where he became a local legend.
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Who is the beautiful actress who will give life to Gloria, El Turco’s partner?
According to Turkish journalist Birsen Altuntaș, the 26-year-old Italian actress Greta Ferro is in talks to star in the upcoming Disney Dizi series.
Facts about the Turkish series:
- Kerem Deren wrote the screenplay for the upcoming Disney series “El Turco.”
- An Emmy-winning director named Uluç Bayraktar took charge of the Turkish series.
- Shot in Hungary, most of the supporting crew members for the Disney series “El Turco” will be foreigners.
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Can Yaman as Janissary Hasan Balaban, nicknamed El Turco, a role which took a long time to prepare for. A heroic Ottoman soldier whose life turned into a town legend by the Italians and told for centuries. Now, immortalized by the charming actor Can Yaman in the new series.
- Disney Plus gave their promise to create an “El Turco” universe.
- Can Yaman, who has been in Hungary for a few days now, awaits for the shooting to start.
Stay tuned for updates about Can Yaman and his new Disney series!
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