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Get ready to be swept away by his performance after Can Yaman Trained for years for the role of Janissary Hasan Balaban in Disney’s “El Turco” series

Disney Plus latest collaboration in Turkey would be the “El Turco” Series set to revive the Epic Legend of Ottoman Soldier Hasan Balaban in Italy.
Produced by Ay Yapim for Disney+, the Turkish series directed by Uluç Bayraktar and starring Can Yaman as the Janissary Hasan Balaban is wrapping up the filming today.
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El Turco – WHAT’S THE STORY? (Synopsis)
Set in the aftermath of the second siege of Vienna, the Turkish Disney series “El Turco” follows the story of Hasan Balaban, a formidable Ottoman soldier, who is much larger than his peers and who will enter history as a legend of Italy after freeing the Italian village of Moena from feudal lords.
Greta Ferro, a talented 26-year-old Italian actress, shall be the leading lady of Can Yaman in the Disney+ series “El Turco.”
First season of the Turkish Disney series El Turco consists of 6 episodes, but the release date is yet unknown.
Disney Plus confirmed their plans to create an “El Turco” universe and spinoff projects based on the original Turkish drama series.

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Shot in Budapest from a script written by Kerem Deren, the Disney+ series El Turco features an internationally supportive cast, including Irish actor Kieran O’Reilly, Swedish actor Magnus Samuelsson, British actors Will Kemp, David Nykl, Nigel Pilkington and Sai Bennett, Croatian actor Slavko Sobin, and Portuguese actress Madalena Aragão.
Along with these supportive actors, two other co-nationals of Can Yaman, Uğur Yıldıran and Armağan Oğuz, joined the casting team. Our charming Turk actor Can Yaman has been preparing for his role as El Turco for a long time with so much dedication for his craft, and he has an army of fans eagerly anticipating the release of the new drama series.
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