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Big transfer, Ezgi Mola from NETFLIX Şahmaran to DISNEY new series Ayten (2023) – DIZI

DIZI – Big transfer, Ezgi Mola from NETFLIX Şahmaran to DISNEY new series Ayten (2022)
DIZI NEWS – The production company Tims&B is developing a new Turkish TV series Ayten (2023) for Disney Plus, starring Ezgi Mola. Ezgi Mola revealed her master acting talent in the Turkish dizi drama series Masumlar Apartmanı and the 2022 comedy with Erşan Kuneri.The famous Turkish actress prepares to appear before her fans with Tims&B’s Ayten dizi series. Ethem Özışık wrote the script, and Umur Turagay sits in the director’s chair.
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Saadet Işıl Aksoy also joined the cast of the Turkish dizi series Ayten (2023). Aksoy, who portrayed a surprised character in the second season of NETFLIX dizi drama Şahmaran (2023), will give life to a homicide officer called Demet in the Ayten series. The role has a special place in the heart of the beautiful actress. Because, Işıl Aksoy’s mother and father are both police officers.
Stay tuned for more updates regarding the developments of Disney Plus’s new series Ayten (2023)!
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