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Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? / Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? (2021) streaming on Netflix – New Turkish movie, a drama comedy between Magical and Reality starring Ecem Erkek – WHAT’S THE STORY? (Synopsis)

Apr 15, 2021 | Movies

WHAT’S THE STORY? (Synopsis) New Netflix Turkish Movie – Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? /Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? (2021) is a dram comedy production directed by Andaç Haznedaroglu and starring Ecem Erkek

The plot of Netflix Turkish movie, Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? / Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? (2021) is center on Gülseren (portrayed by Ecem Erkek) a young woman born with meticulous intelligence. She can accurately multiply four-digit numbers in her mind. Gulseren’s story is told from the perspective of her older self as she narrates to two young YouTubers.

Gülseren (Ecem Erkek) is a rebellious person by nature, sometimes lacking common sense. But, who managed at a young age to enjoy success. However, in the midst of political unrest in her country that brings social change, Gülseren tries to cope with a situation in which loneliness, love… and loss of soul became more and more pronounced in her life.

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  • Released on April 9 on Netflix, the Turkish movie Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? / Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? (2021) will feature actors like Yilmaz Erdogan, Ecem Erkek, Devrim Yakut, Ushan Cakir, Merve Dizdar, Ushan Cakir, Bulent Colak, and Bora Akkas.
  • Adapted from a 1999 play, Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? it’s an odd movie, sweet and ridiculous funny.
  • Netflix’s comedy drama movie Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? / Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? (2021) falls somewhere between magical realm and reality drama.

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WHAT’S THE STORY? (Synopsis)

Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? / Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? (2021)

Netflix’s drama comedy movie Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? / Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? (2021) follows two YouTubers, who are making an interview with the older Gulseren, they’re expecting that a fast-hit human-computer would be a viral video. However, most likely they are not prepared to hear her life story, but they indulge her. Gulseren takes her photo album and starts with the day of her birth , from there the story begins, highlighting the up and downs of her life.

Her father, Nazif (Engin Alkan) is a sweet and kind person, full of unconditional love. After Gulseren got expelled from school for being disrespectful – but basically, being more smarter than – her teacher, she convinces him to get ice cream on the way home. On the other side, her mother Iclal (Devrim Yakut) is old fashion, judgemental, and kind of a nasty woman.

The family inherited a mansion in the heart of Istanbul, where is living with Gulseren’s aunts and uncle. The explanation of the mansion may be found in the fact that her great-grandfather on her father’s side was the Sultan’s ”Toothpickman.”

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Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? / Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? (2021) netflix movie comedy drama Turkish english subtitles izle film ecem Erkek gulseren actors cast political imdb trailer

Her father is fine with Gulsern being herself. Her mother is not, she insists to arrange Gulseren’s marriage with a man who inherited a fortune build upon the invention and sales of spoons, strainers, and sieves. This might be symbolic of something if you look closer. Gulseren doesn’t accept it, of course.

During the family visits of the potential husband, Gulseren makes huge efforts to don’t sway away from their conservative ideals. Gulseren does the same when her mother brings the family to Hodja to figure out why her daughter is such a weirdo.

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Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? / Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? (2021) netflix movie comedy drama Turkish english subtitles izle film ecem Erkek gulseren actors cast political imdb trailer

Years pass, through the political turmoil of the 1970s, when antifascists used the brick of their mansion for spraying slogans… and the silly style of ’80s when Gulseren arranged her hair to one side for her first job interview…until to the early 2000s when she and her mother turned the mansion to a boarding school. Gulseren got married to a butcher, a sweet but short love and completely heartbreaking.

Have You Ever Seen Fireflies? / Sen Hiç Atesböcegi Gördün mü? (2021) netflix movie comedy drama Turkish english subtitles izle film ecem Erkek gulseren actors cast political imdb trailer

Two things were consistent throughout Gulseren’s life.

The fireflies, and her nasty mother, who continuously says that her daughter is ”insane” for being capable to see fireflies in the backyard. Gulseren calls them by blinking a flashlight, she even danced among them with her dear father, and laid under them in the arms of her lover. Her father and lover saw the fireflies too, but her mother, Iclal never did.

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  • Something to notice is that Ecem Erkek plays Gulseren throughout all stages of the character’s life. She wears ribbons in her hair as a schoolgirl and thick prosthetics when she gets older.
  • It’s pointing out that fireflies are magical things rather than some usual bugs. Only good people can see fireflies for what they really are. You’ve to be an open-minded dreamer to appreciate their beauty when it flickers and flies around them.

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