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Nilperi Şahinkaya assaulted physically and verbally by Burak Deniz, she filed a lawsuit

Sep 20, 2022 | News

Burak Deniz assaulted physically and verbally his colleague Nilperi Şahinkaya, who filed a lawsuit against the actor.

A few days before, the Turkish actor Burak Deniz assaulted physically and verbally his colleague Nilperi Şahinkaya. Being in Adana for the shooting of new Netflix dizi series Şahmaran (where the leading female role is played by Serenay Sarıkaya)… Burak Deniz passed by the restaurant of the Sheraton hotel where, according to Birsen Altuntaș, he cursed and insulted  Nilperi Şahinkaya.

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Around 2:00, Burak Deniz, who was under the heavy influence of alcohol, came several times to the table where Nilperi Şahinkaya and other friends were. Şahinkaya, who was the subject of insults, and curses, left the table when the atmosphere got tense. Emre Yusufi and Burak Deniz shooke their fists to start the fight , but it did not happen thanks to Deniz Akıncı intervening before things got worst.

At one point, Deniz said to Emre Yusufi: “Are you hitting me? Come on, give it!” and continued to scream. The security of the hotel took Burak Deniz outside of the building.

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Şahinkaya did not forgive him, lawsuit is filed

After the incident, Emre Yusufi asked for footage from the hotel’s surveillance cameras. Şahinkaya did not forgive Burak, and the fight from Adana moved to court. Nilperi Şahinkaya announced that she filed a lawsuit against Deniz because of his vulgar insults and physical attacks against her and her friends. Nail Gönenli is the lawyer of Nilperi Şahinkaya in this process.

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Şahinkaya was a jury member at the Adana Golden Boll Film Festival and stayed at the hotel Sheraton with her boyfriend, Emre Yusufi, and her close friend Deniz Akıncı. We learned that, the protagonist of new Netflix dizi series Şahmaran is staying at the Hilton Hotel.

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