Halit Ergenç, starring in newest Turkish series “Yarın Yokmuş Gibi” (2024) on Gain, expressed admiration for his co-star Tuba Büyüküstün
Halit Ergenç
Yarın Yokmuş Gibi (2024) Halit Ergenç and Tuba Büyüküstün – Dizi
Turkish famous actors Halit Ergenç and Tuba Büyüküstün Return with a Bold Romantic Drama Series on Gain, Yarın Yokmuş Gibi (2024)
New Netflix series Adsız Aşıklar (2024) with Halit Ergenç
New Turkish series on Netflix, Adsız Aşıklar (2024), starring Halit Ergenç, Rıza Kocaoğlu, Funda Eryiğit, Cansel Elçin and Sedef Avcı
Halit Ergenç stars in New Netflix Series ‘‘Adsız Aşıklar‘’
In an exciting turn of events, the actor Halit Ergenç is set to grace our screens with a new Turkish series titled ‘Adsız Aşıklar’ on Netflix
Binbir Gece (2009) Turkish Masterpiece to Real-life Arabian Tale
Binbir Gece (2009) with Bergüzar Korel and Halit Ergenç, is a Timeless Turkish Masterpiece turned into a real-life Arabian Tale – 1001 Nights
Best Turkish Actors & Actresses with Highest International Sales
Best Turkish Actors and Actresses with Highest International Sales – Turkey is the second-largest exporter of TV series after the USA.
Bergüzar Korel in Kanlı Yayın & Halit Ergenç as Super Dad
Bergüzar Korel Return on Screen with the New Turkish TV Series ‘Kanlı Yayın,’ while her husband, Halit Ergenç, Masters Super Dad Role
Why Halit Ergenç Wants to Become a Pilot? – Bergüzar
Why does Halit Ergenç want to be a pilot? Bergüzar Korel, shared her hilarious conversation with her husband, Halit Ergenç, on social media
Halit Ergenç: “I don’t know how we will recover”
Advertisements ↓Halit Ergenç: "I don't know how we will recover from such great pain"Halit Ergenç, who took part in the telethon to support Turkey...
Mest-i Aşk (2023) Hande Erçel first movie focuses on Rumi’s life
Mest-i Aşk (2023) Hande Erçel’s first movie focuses on Rumi’s friendship with Shams. With Parsa Piroufzar, Shahab Husseini, Ergenç, Çelikkol
Which Turkish on-screen couples found love in real-life?
4 Turkish couples that fell in love with their filming partner, later got married, and lived happily ever after? Which actors are so lucky?

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