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Who is the partner of Uğur Güneş in the new Turkish military drama series Avcı? – DIZI

Oct 19, 2022 | News

Kuş Uçuşu new season

It is a matter of curiosity, who is the partner of Uğur Güneş in the new Turkish military drama series Avcı? – DIZI

DIZI NEWS – Curious to find out who will be the partner of Uğur Güneş in the new Turkish military drama series Avcı? Uğur Güneş, who received many projects this season, chose the winner. The handsome Turkish actor chose the script of the dizi new series Avcı, produced by Bozdağ Film.

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The dizi series Avcı will premiere on TRT 1, and will be a military drama series set in our modern times. Can Emre will direct the dizi series, which will start filming in November. The military drama series, whose script is signed by Atilla Engin, will be shot in Istanbul.

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It is a matter of curiosity, who will be Hakan’s partner, the character to whom, Uğur Güneş will give life in the Avcı dizi series. According to Birsen Altuntas, Gülsim Ali, who left the Selahaddin Eyyubi series, might be the future partner of Uğur Güneş in the upcoming Turkish dizi series. According to rumors, Gülsim Ali is still in the contract phase with the production team of the Turkish military drama series.

Uğur Güneş will share the leading role with Burak Tozkoparan in the Turkish dizi drama Avcı . The young actor İdris Nebi Taşkan also joined the cast of the Avcı TV series, where he will give life to the character of Cengiz. Stay tuned! I will continue to report new updates regarding the upcoming Turkish military drama series Avcı.

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