
Home » TV Series » What To Watch » Ya Çok Seversen (2023) New Turkish Romantic Series

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KANAL D DIZI SERIES – Ya Çok Seversen (2023) is a new Turkish romantic drama focusing on the unlikely love story between a con artist and a wealthy-charming CEO – starring Hafsanur Sancaktutan as Leyla and Kerem Bürsin as Ates Arkali (Synopsis, Cast and Facts)

Jul 17, 2023 | What To Watch

(SYNOPSIS, CAST, AND DIZI FACTS) – Ya Çok Seversen (2023) is a new Turkish romantic summer series telling the unlikely love story of Leyla, played by Hafsanur Sancaktutan, a skilled con artist and the wealthy but lonely Ates Arkali portrayed by Kerem Bürsin, streaming now on Kanal D.

DIZI – “Ya Çok Seversen / What If You Love Too Much” is a 2023 Turkish romantic drama series directed by Ali Bilgin starring Kerem Bürsin as Ates Arcali and Hafsanur Sancaktutan as Leyla Kökdal. Produced by Ay Yapim from a screenplay written by Kübra Sülün, the new summer dizi Ya Çok Seversen (2023) premiered on July 6 on Kanal D.

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    new Turkish Romantic Summer Series Ya Çok Seversen (2023) featuring leading couple Kerem Bürsin wearing a black suit next to Hafsanur Sancaktutan wearing a blue dress in the elevator scene from first trailer on Kanal D , Ateş Alaca leyla

    Love, Deception, and the Quest for Belonging

    “Ya Çok Seversen” (2023) is a Turkish romantic series that follows the intertwining lives of Kerem Bürsin as Ates Arcali and Hafsanur Sancaktutan as Leyla Kökdal. Ateş Arcali, haunted by his mother’s death, lives a solitary life abroad.

    Leyla Kökda, a skilled deceiver scamming people of money, yearns to find her true family. Destiny brings them together, breaking down Ateş’s walls. Leyla’s resilience ignites a transformation within him, and they embark on a journey of trust, self-discovery, and love.

    Genre Drama, Romance
    Directed by Ali Bilgin
    Screenwriter Kübra Sülün
    Release date 6 July 2023 | Where? Kanal D

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    • Produced by Ay Yapim for Kanal D and starring Kerem Bürsin alongside Hafsanur Sancaktutan as the leading couple, Ya Çok Seversen ranks as the most anticipated Turkish summer series of 2023.

    • “Ya Çok Seversen 1 Bölüm” – Released 10 days ago, the first episode of the Turkish romantic drama series amassed over 6 million views.

    • The official Youtube channel of the Turkish romantic series Ya Çok Seversen / What If You Love Too Much(2023) amassed almost 157 K subscribers and 18 million views since joining the streaming platform on 13 June 2023.

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    Ya Çok Seversen – WHAT’S THE STORY? (Dizi Synopsis)

    The Turkish romantic summer series “Ya Çok Seversen” follows the captivating love story of Leyla Kökdal and Ateş Arcali, two individuals with turbulent pasts.

    Ateş Arcali portrayed by Kerem Bürsin, is a man sent to boarding school after his mother’s death, who never returned home, living a self-reliant life abroad with a deep mistrust of others.

    Leyla Kökdal played by Hafsanur Sancaktutan has never known her real family and earns a living by deceiving people. She is a resilient orphan in a quest to find her missing parents.

    Gün Işığım starring Kerem Bürsin wearing a grey jacket with a black t-shirt and Hafsanur Sancaktutan wearing a fancy dress with curly brown hair in black in white, forthe new turkish romantic comedy series of the summer 2023

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    The Turkish romantic drama “Ya Cok Seversen” follows their paths as they intersect. Her initial encounter with Ateş, a brooding and cynical scion of a wealthy family, is filled with friction. Leyla sees Ateş as a privileged playboy, unimpressed by his charms.

    When Ateş Arcali unexpectedly returns home, it shocks Leyla Kökdal and the children she cares for. Leyla’s deception as a nanny is put at risk while she is wanted by the family of a swindled groom. With nowhere else to go, Leyla is trapped in this farmhouse, trying to adapt to the children. However, things become more challenging when the real nanny arrives.

    Ateş finds it difficult to return to the house he left years ago. As if the situation wasn’t enough, they are also obligated to live together according to a family constitution that the lawyer enforces.

    Ateş feels suffocated and resorts to unconventional measures to stay in the house. It is Leyla who manages to change his mind. Ateş starts making radical decisions not only at home, but also in the company.

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    Ya Çok Seversen (2023) – Main Actors Cast and characters 

    Kerem Bürsin portrays Ateş Arcali, the second son of the Arcalı family. At a young age, he fell out with his family and left home. In honor of his mother, Jülide, who he lost at a young age, Ateş has established a fashion school in her name.

    Hafsanur Sancaktutan portrays Leyla Kökdal, a young woman abandoned by her family who has never seen her real family. She holds a stance against the wealthy, but Ateş completely breaks down this prejudice within her.

    The 2023 Turkish romantic summer series “Ya Çok Seversen” includes in its cast talented actors as Hatice Aslan, Şerif Erol, Cemre Ebbuziya, Nazmi Kırık, Aziz Caner İnan, Mine Kılıç, Oğulcan Arman, Durukan Çelikkaya, Özgün Akaçça, Lara Aslan, Adin Külçe, Arven Yavuz.

    Kerem Bürsin and Hafsanur Sancaktutan alongside the cast of the new turkish drama series 2023 Ya Çok Seversen

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    is a true story?

    Kanal D’s new Turkish series Ya Çok Seversen / What If You Love Too Much (2023) is not a true story.

    WHERE CAN I WATCH THE DIZI series Ya Çok Seversen (2023)?

    The new Turkish romantic drama series Ya Çok Seversen / What If You Love Too Much (2023), starring Kerem Bürsin and Hafsanur Sancaktutan, premieres with new episodes every Thursday at 20:00 on KANAL D.

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